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Fog and Aerosol InteRAction Research Italy (FAIRARI)

  • Description:international field campaign in the framework of European FORCES Project (H2020 grant no. 821205) aiming to study aerosol-fog interactions, winter-time aerosol ageing and New Particle Formation in the Po Valley (Italy).
  • Responsible @CNR-ISAC:Dr. Stefano Decesari

  • Description:experiment at Evora University (Pourtugal) in the framework of ATMO-ACCESS Project (H2020) aiming in integrating in-situ (CLD) and remote sensing (DOAS) observations of NOx
  • Responsible @CNR-ISAC:Dr. Paolo Cristofanelli

  • Description:The agreement between CAMS/ECMWF and Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) aims to consolidate and improve the performances of its existing national/local models suite based on CAMS products.
  • Responsible @CNR-ISAC:Dr. Tony Christian Landi

  • Description:
  • Responsible @CNR-ISAC: